Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thank you so much to my readers!!!

I started this blog a little over a week ago and today I am celebrating my first milestone, 1000 hits on this site!!! I am so excited and grateful for all of you who have come here and shared in the fun of savings and deals! I really get inspired when I see that people are enjoying what I am writing about and so I Thank you all for coming to the site! It really makes me feel so happy and good about what I am doing. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you all for coming and visiting! Next week I will be doing my first giveaway so check back often next week.


  1. Well thanks for doing it, i look twice a day now to see whats new :)

  2. Thank you! I am so happy to share what I find because I am blessed to hear or find great deals, so I am so glad to pass on the information.

  3. Its a cool blog you have here. While im not an avid coupon user Im always amazed by how much you can save if you do, so congrats :D
