I have been thinking a lot about other's lately. I love to do little acts of kindness and many times the best is when you help someone and they never know who did it! With the economy the way it is, holidays quickly approaching, and people making less than ever it is hard to find ways to give to other. However, I thought to myself this weekend how lucky I am to have my family, my girls and I know they will be taken care of this year and have a great holiday season. That got me thinking about all of those millions of people who will not get taken care of and the millions of people who will go without this season. So how then can we give back, it seems like a catch 22 you want to help but there is little for you but you have some so why not give back? Well I wanted to share a few ideas I have come across that may work and would work a lot better if we all could do this together.
1. Freebies: We all know that there are a ton of Freebies everyday that I and other bloggers post daliy. I though of taking those Freebies and making gift baskets for families that are in need. I have diaper samples, bottle samples, formula samples, granola bars, cereal, and much much more that would make a nice basket or two for someone who this gift might make their day!
2. Coupons: My cousin Tanya is amazing!!! She usually does a can food drive for a homeless shelter at her work. She is a stay at home mom now but still does the food drive at her old job and she does it on her own at home. Basically she takes coupons that make food FREE and saves it for the Food shelter. This is a great idea!!! I know I see tons of FREE food ideas with coupons but most I don't eat or use so I just let the coupons go to waste. However, if I buy these free food items I can give them to people who have nothing... So this is a way to give back and really it cost's little to no money out of pocket. I am going to start doing this, this week and get my girls in on it.
3. Find Families around your neighborhood in need: I think we all have witnessed a family that we know is in need but feel awkward to approach or offer help. So make a gift basket for them and leave it on their door. Make Salt Dough ornaments, hot coco mix, cookies, a small meal or small gifts. This could cost very little since Hot coco can make several servings and this is cheap and easy. A cheap meal could be getting a cheap turkey and cooking it, then cut some for them and place in a container with box potato's (free with coupons) cranberries, Corn (free with coupons) and rolls. Yes people may not eat it but if they are in need and they will just be thankful for the offer. You could do this for friends or neighbors to save money, instead of a pricey gift, then use the money you would have spent to help someone else.
4. Black Friday shop for someone else: I love Black Friday, almost as much as Christmas, the drive to save a ton of money but carry bag after bag through the door is all I need to get me up at 2 am. This year, get a few extra toys (mix savings with coupons) and you could donate a ton of toys to shelters. I know last year Wal-Mart had a ton of toys at $5, right now with the Fisher Price coupons and Black Friday deals, this could score some great Free toys or extremely cheap toys that could help a family in need! Also, after Christmas, stock up on clearance toys! I go after Christmas every year and hit the Target 75% off toy sales. I get every kid I know a Christmas and Birthday gift, as well as my own daughters. I also get extra for kids I might meet or for donations. Target rocks for Clearance!!!
5. I saw this on another blog and loved it!!! If you go to McDonald's or are in line at a fast food, ask the cashier how much the bill is for the person behind you and pay for them. Obviously, if there are 12 people in the car maybe not but it would be a great way to pay it forward and set that persons day off right! I also do this at the Zoo, I get and extra person in with my membership and so I will find someone, every time I go and have no one else with me (Adult), and get them in for FREE as well. It makes me feel awesome and they are so grateful! It is a great way to show your children how to give back and do it simple by just thinking of other people!
What ever way you choose to help and give back, make sure you feel good about it because you are doing something wonderful! I always like to tell my girls that we are helping people because at some point in our lives someone has helped us and so it is our duty to help others! I want to do more and that is my goal for November and December. Do you have any other ideas to help out? Let me know!
Thanks!!! I appreciate it. Giving back makes your day better. I would hope that if I were in that position that someone would help me. I could never imagine losing everything. Like I always say, 1 can helps. One can of food can save a person from starving that day.